Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Lockdown 2.0

The Isle of Man is returning to lockdown at midnight to help stop the spread of Covid-19. Earlier today, it was full-on in the shop. We had so many people coming to the shop to buy supplies for masks, and to keep themselves busy over the next three weeks. 

We had been asked to engage in social distancing prior to the lockdown, but many business have already started doing so. We choose to only allow only a few customers in the shop at one time to make it as safe as possible for the staff and customers. 

Many thanks to our customers for being so fantastic, despite having to queue in the cold, and many thanks to our glorious staff who have worked so hard.

The staff have now been asked to work from home. They will be crafting and creating wonderful new things to display in the shop when the lockdown has finished.

Laura and Celeste (same household) will be working in the shop during lockdown. They will be tidying, cleaning, doing stock taking, etc. They will also be taking orders either for delivery or collection. More information about that will be posted on Monday.

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